The Wisdom Of Ages

I don’t usually reproduce someone else’s writing in full, but in the case of Farenheit’s excellent piece (below), I will make an exception, because the matter is so urgent.  Every pandemic breeds an insanity, a group of noisy, unhinged individuals who delight in spreading terror and whose antics bring nothing but added misery and added death.  In 2021, it is the Anti-vaxxers – the people who will invent statistics, and demand that the frightened millions believe them, and only them, because decades of evidence, means nothing. 
In the images above, you see the result of having no Polio vaccine.  The children already reduced to absolute paralysis – due to lack of a vaccine – did not get better.  They spent their entire lives encased in their “iron lungs”. And then – thanks to the vaccination programme – future generations were saved from this misery.  Vaccines save millions of lives. But the Anti-vaxxers deny the truth of this – and prefer for this kind of misery to recommence. 
They are working on terrified people right now, trying to prevent them from having the vaccines which will give us back our lives, if enough people have them – setting up insane websites, quoting fake “doctors”, and claiming medical qualifications they do not have.   The Anti-vaxxers are in all cases failures and liars, who feed off fear and despair. They are, of course, a bleak combination of mental illness and cruelty. The despair of pandemics is their breeding ground – and they revel in Death.  Instead of immersing yourself in the ravings of quacks and lunatics, I urge you to read the piece, below.

I must admit that like a lot of other people I was very concerned about the apparent speed that the new Covid vaccines were brought in. This was especially the case as they are very much new tech and rely on messenger RNA (mRNA) rather than the traditional vaccine technologies of dead or attenuated viruses or bacteria. To the casual gaze they look somewhat experimental and it is this aspect of them that has been exploited by various anti-vaccination types. I was at first more than willing to wait until a vaccine for covid came in that was based on more traditional technologies and this is what I publicly stated. However, I’ve changed my view somewhat.

For the record it’s probably right and proper for me to state where I stand. I’m opposed to the anti-vaccination crowd and I’m opposed to them for very solid scientific and personal reasons. The first, scientific reason is that vaccines save lives. We no longer have people dying of Smallpox as it has been completely eliminated via vaccination and diseases like Polio, Diphtheria and Whooping Cough have been almost completely removed from Western nations because of vaccination programmes. Previous killer diseases like Tuberculosis are now a medical curiosity confined to migrants from TB endemic areas and among the homeless and is not slaughtering tens of thousands of Britons as the once did. My child does not have to fear death or disablement due to preventable diseases and unlike my grandparents generation I do not have to shudder in fear of every childhood cough or every fever or every strange spot they may have. I have that luxury primarily because of vaccination.

I did have concerns about the mRNA vaccine for Covid but due to doing some digging I’m less concerned than I once was and I will explain why in a moment. I was inspired to write this article by a post by the author Mandy Baldwin which is up on AltNewsMedia and is about her decision to have the mRNA covid vaccine., I share her view that a vaccine is probably the best way out of our current predicament.

Most of my concerns have been due to what seemed like an excessive speed of development of this vaccine but it was only when I started digging around that I found that there may not have been excessive speed it only seems that way. I was wary of the mRNA vaccination until I started to do some research. What I found was this: The theory, about using mRNA as a method of vaccination is not as recent as some people may like to think. The theory goes back to the early 1970’s. What has held up the use of mRNA for vaccination was a lack of knowledge and the practical ability about how to get the idea to work.

It is only in recent decades and indeed recent years that it has been possible to get mRNA past the body’s immune system in order to allow it to teach the immune system how to recognise a new type of infection. Without tech developed relatively recently it was very difficult if not impossible to get active ingredients into the cells without it first being destroyed by the immune system. There’s also been a lot of research done on SARS and MERS since the turn of the century which has provided a lot of the groundwork needed to create a Covid vaccine. The Covid vaccine has not appeared out of nowhere as some may think, but is based on a lot of research going back decades. Covid vaccines have not suddenly appeared, it has only seemed that way because most people have not been aware, as I was not, of the quiet research going on behind the scenes.

In a way, a good analogy with covid and the new vaccine would be the Manhattan Project. The idea of developing a nuclear weapon to be used in World War II did not arise quickly or spontaneously but as a result of both theoretical work and practical experimentation that went back to the end of the late 19th century when Becquerel discovered the existence of radioactivity. This initial discovery was then built on by the work of Rutherford and others. The idea of nuclear power did not spring fully formed from nowhere but was the result of much prior work. It took decades from radioactivity and the structure of the atom being a theoretical physics curiosity to having a practical use. Even when a practical use could be seen by theoreticians it was impossible to use nuclear power in any practical way because the technology was just not there to be able to do that.

It was somewhat of a happy accident that the tech and the theory had developed enough during the 20th century for a practical use, that of nuclear weapons, to be made real by the time the 1940’s came along and there was a need for a weapon to end the War. The 1940’s were the time when the technology had advanced enough for the theories to be tested in the real world which meant that the amount of time between the first Nuclear Pile at Chicago to the Trinity atom bomb test was relatively short.

The development of molecular biology over decades is very similar to the development of nuclear energy. Lots of prior study in molecular biology has brought us to the situation we are now. It could be said that it is a happy accident that the biotech has developed to such an extent that mRNA vaccines can be now realised. The biological theoreticians may have foreseen mRNA vaccines as a possibility but it is only now with current technology that theories can be put into practise.

I’m far less concerned about mRNA vaccines than I once was now that I’ve done some research into the history of them. Yes of course there are safety concerns just as there are over any new medical treatment, radiotherapy for example was far more dangerous than it is today now that this treatment is more targetable but medicine moves on, treatments and vaccines get more effective and more safe as time goes by. Now that we have this technology of mRNA vaccination it opens up a world of possibilities in preventing not just covid but a whole host of other diseases such as the various haemorrhagic fevers and maybe even Malaria.

I’m not a doctor, I can’t tell you to have or not have any mRNA covid vaccination. That is a matter for the individual and their medical advisors. But what I will say is this: Be very wary of those who are exploiting the current crisis to push their anti-vaccination hobby horse. Anti-vaxxers have seized on the news of the new covid vaccines in order to try to persuade the unwary that they will be harmed by not just the covid vaccine but by any vaccine.

The anti-vaxxers are today not just pushing their usual fact free crap about how vaccines cause Autism, an idea conjured up by a British charlatan and long since debunked, but also outlandish claims that the covid vaccine will change people’s DNA or turn them into robots serving Bill Gates or that the vaccines contain ‘nanotrackers’ etc etc. Make your own decision based on science and research and not the rantings of quacks who know as much about medicine as I know about spacecraft design and construction – which is not much. I am alive and my child is alive because of vaccination. Without vaccination I might have died from diphtheria or polio or even TB and those dangers would threaten my child as well. Vaccinations save lives, they allow more children to survive childhood and more adults to lead productive lives. The rantings of the anti-vaxxers are a dead end, literally. Make your own decision based on solid knowledge and not on the various Wormtongues that are out there.

Post Script.

One of the sources that I found helpful was a short video on mRNA vaccines from the well known Quackbuster Myles Power. Please give this video a watch and a chance.

3 thoughts on “The Wisdom Of Ages

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  1. Really object to the term – anti-vaxxer. A label used to control opinion, like any other. A label like ‘Thick racist gammon who didn’t know what they were voting for’. Would do no good to explain how you know your subject or understand natural medicine.


    1. I don’t expect to be an expert in other people’s jobs. I don’t claim to understand how the immune system works, any more than I know how to sort out the wiring. That’s what experts are for, and to DIY on things which require special skills, is dangerous.
      People who object to vaccines, call themselves Antivaxxers. No. it is not the same as using the “gammon” term at all – because a political opinion (which is open to debate) is not the same as scientific fact – which is not open to debate.
      FACT: there is nothing which works to protect against a specific disease other than achieving immunity to it – and immunity can happen only one of two ways – either by having the disease and surviving it – or by vaccination.
      The risk of loss of life and destruction of health-systems by encouraging everyone to catch a disease is appalling and inhumane. Is everyone really happy to accept that it will be THEIR life lost, THEIR loved ones, or THEIR child, who dies horribly or suffers permanent damage? And why take that risk? What would be the logic to putting people through all that suffering, when it can be prevented?
      If we were to travel back two hundred years, to before the first ever vaccine – Edward Jenner, and his “cow pox” – the people then, would think anti-vaxxers were insane to pass up the chance to save lives.
      Back in the early 1950s when antibiotics were first being used widely, a housewife with absolutely no knowledge or understanding of antibiotics whatsoever, wrote a letter to her local newspaper saying that it was dangerous to give children Penicillin, because it was made of mould and that was why it sometimes caused stomach upsets. Other housewives who didn’t understand, trusted this woman for the very reason that she was “just like them” – and several children died of entirely curable conditions. Luckily that housewife didn’t have access to the internet, to spread her nonsense.
      To refuse life-saving treatment is as nutty as the Jehovah’s Witnesses, who refuse blood transfusions because they believe that it is against God’s will to receive blood and, therefore, they refuse transfusions, often even if it is their own blood. Fringe beliefs feed off fear and find justification in whatever “plague” is going around at the time – so the Jehovah’s Witnesses were practically overjoyed when people developed AIDS from infected blood.
      During the current crisis, an assortment of people who, unproven, give themselves the name “Doctor” are spouting absolute lunacy, such as, the vaccination being used to “depopulate” the world. They are terrifying people who are already under tremendous stress, and encoraging them only to trust anyone who defies logic. It’s only a short step from this mentality, to believing someone can kill your cow by giving it the evil eye.. Actually, the best way to depopulate the world would be to insist that there be no lock-down/social-distancing measures, and no vaccine, and start a campaign to encourage everyone to French-kiss a Covid sufferer.
      Also, surviving a disease doesn’t always mean that is the end of it: Covid for instance can cause permanent lung damage, loss of sense of smell, and memory loss, just as Polio, even in those who had it mildly, lives on in the body and can recur, with worse effects, anything up to 40 years later. Vaccination is the use of human brilliance to save and improve lives, and no amount of “natural medicine”, or anything else, replaces it. And in fact, vaccination is “natural” – in that it triggers a “natural” response. That is not a matter of opinion – it is proven scientific fact.

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